Saturday, April 17, 2010


My trip to Thailand is what movies are made from! :) Honestly it was better than I dreamed possible. For those who didn't know, Matt went to Thailand for the month of February as part of an away rotation for medical school. I stayed behind for the first few weeks and then left the kids with Matt's parents in Utah so I could have an unforgettable time with Matt in Thailand alone. We've been home over a month now and I've been trying ever since to figure out how to share our incredible adventure with everyone. There are so many pictures and experiences and how am I supposed to organize and post it all? I have finally concluded that the only way people are going to really understand how amazing this whole trip was is if I type up my journal entries from the trip and then add the appropriate pictures. The only catch here is the fact that these are MY JOURNAL ENTRIES so they are cheesy, emotional, and more often than not they don’t make complete sense. Just consider this “Reality Blogging” at its finest. I know that if I try to edit my journal I will end up having to re-write it all and the true emotion of it will be lost. Plus, a month has already passed since the trip and I have two crazy kids running around the house non-stop so I am just going to have to type it all up as is. Having said that, all the “. . .” and the “hee hee”s are actually what I have written in the journal. Any extra explanation or added detail to my journal entries will be noted by the customary [ square ] parenthesis. So take it or leave it but please don’t judge it!! Whether you read the whole thing or only take snippets at a time, I hope you are able to sit back and soak in a bit of our dream trip to Thailand. :)
PS There are some many seperate posts that you have to continue to click the "Older Posts" button on the bottom right when you scroll down to the end.

4 comments: said...

I think Thailand is my favorite Asian country! And you have shared an incredible experience with us. Life is Good. PS Jill and Mark are moving to Stanford this summer too. Love, Janice

germanjules said...

what a great, romantic trip and such fantastic pictures! you look like you had a great time. thanks for the tiger pics, i kept telling jon, "i would not do that", "i would not do that" amazing...what a great experience

The Wagamans said...

I had to coax Matt into the Tigers a bit too. He just sat on the side watching me for awhile. This was the day after the whole Shamu incident and Matt kept bringing up the Siegfried and Roy tiger attack when I would encourage him to come on. Obviously he got into too though and it was amazing.

Unknown said...

Good to see you blogging again! I'm so glad you went, even with all the anxiety before hand. How fun for you two! I would LOVE to get away like that with Ryan right now. Looks like you had an awesome time!