Saturday, April 17, 2010


The next day (yesterday) we paid one of the hotel workers to let us use the scooter they had driven to work that day – we just had to have it back by 6 pm when they got off work. Isn’t that great! I think we paid them $12 which is double what we paid the actual scooter rental place in Chang Mai per day but still incredible in US terms. It was worth every penny too because it felt SO GOOD to be back on a scooter. Matt and I joke (though it is completely true) that if I ever start getting tired or sick then we just need to get me back on the scooter because I immediately feel better. It is impossible for me to feel bad with the wind in my face and my arms around Matt. Nothing can touch me on that scooter.

[These pictures are actually from when we were in Chang Mai, but you get the idea.]

Anyway, we cruised around Matt’s old area and saw the church and saw where he used to live. Then we stopped by the work of Leg (one of Matt’s converts). She sells gold jewelry. I really like her. She was teasing Matt that I look exactly the same as our engagement picture but he looks completely different. How could I not like her after a comment like that? :)

[This is Leg with Matt]

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