At the grand palace I was pleased to find out that they reverenced the temples so much that they require everyone to be dressed modestly to be walking on the temple grounds. Tank tops, belly shirts, tight clothing, torn clothing, short skirts or shorts are all prohibited.
They give men scrub buttoms to put over their shorts and a wrap around skirt to go over the women’s shorts and they also had button up shirts for people to put on over any inappropriate tops.
Words and pictures can’t describe or capture all the intricate details of these temples and the Buddah. Very worldly. Very Impressive. Very eye opening. Pretty amazing.
This is the Emerald Buddah atop the mound of gold and jewels and other Buddah statues. You have to take your shoes off to enter, no talking is allowed and when you sit on the ground in the opening in front of all the statues you must make sure that your feet are in no way pointing toward the Buddah. There are people watching and they will correct you. Cameras are also not allowed - this picture was taken through a window opening and super zoomed in.
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