Sunday, November 16, 2008

Tears for My Mom

This morning as I nuzzled and kissed my little boy Noah tears filled my eyes as I was overwhelmed with how much I miss my own mom. I find that one of my favorite things to give Ellie and Noah are these insanely tiny kisses in their ear just as my mom would give me. A kiss in the ear from my mom was always an eventful thing. The suspense would almost kill you as you saw her preparing to pucker and lean in ever so close. The thing was that you never knew if she was going to give you this tincy soft peck or if she was going to give you a body shivering squeaky kiss that would ring through every part of you. For this reason she would lean in very slowly to let the anxiety build. Both kisses tickled like mad and as kids (and even adults) it had us all squirming in our seats as we would wait to see what mom had in store. Somehow this became a type of game. We would almost wait in line to get either one of these kisses from my mom. In fact, a sacrament meeting was not complete without one of these kisses and the seats next to Mom were fought over. I think she totally enjoyed watching us squirm and then try to keep our composure in the church pews. My mom always kept us smiling and laughing. I love and miss her so much.


Real Life Roberts said...

I love that you shared that memory! It's the best gift you can give to yourself, kids and your mom!

Kami Milliron said...

We love you Mandy and we miss your Mom too : ) But remember that those kisses are not far away and I am sure you still get them every now and then.