Sunday, November 16, 2008

Halloween - It's About Time!

I know, I know. These pictures are late in coming, but I was hoping to get a few more pictures from some friends in the ward. I have decided to at least post what I've got. Enjoy! We had a blast doing it all!
The Clark Kent and Louis Lane Family

Matt was, obviously, Clark Kent and I was Louis Lane. Our kids were little Supermen. Ellie refused the title of "Supergirl". She was "Superman just like Daddy". I had a clipboard with a marked up newspaper and a pen to help my costume along, but still at first glance we had two different people ask if we were Mr. and Mrs. Smith :). I was also asked three times if I was Palin :) The real thriller was that at the end of the night Matt and I won the Best Couple Costume! We were totally surprised but weren't going to refuse the bucket of goodies that came with the title. I think Matt must have really won it for us because he is the hottest Clark Kent anyone has ever seen!!! :)
This is Matt and Ellie accepting the award

Hot! Hot! Hot!

And here are the SuperKiddos

On top of the ward party we also had a little medical school gathering. Before leaving the house for that event Ellie was feeling rather left out because she didn't have glasses like Mommy and Daddy. Here is what she came up with - the chocolate on the face was the perfect touch to this picture!


My last batch of Halloween pictures come from Halloween day. A friend of mine and I ventured out with our two kids a piece and went trick or treating in the downtown area. All the stores with balloons were passing out candy to the kids. This time Ellie decided to be a Princess - she still hung with all the super heroes though :) - Thanks again for going with me Corrie!! Later that night the kids and I met up with some neighbors and we did some more trick or treating. Sadly, Matt was on 30 hour shift over Halloween so we had to do it all alone!

Noah in his Relaxing Bath After it All

Ellie Showing Off Her Candy to Matt the Next Day
Ellie's Cave


Meg said...

OK that picture of you guys at the beginning is ADORABLE! Love it! said...

I love these pictures. Miss you so, and I appreciate your story about your mom. love you, Joy

Jacqui said...

Wow Mandy! Your little girl looks so much like you!!! SOOOOO CUTE!!

Real Life Roberts said...

I love the family themed costumes!!! If only I had that much creativity! AND I can't believe that Noah! What a knock out! I hope so badly that we can meet up in Utah. We will be there in Dec.

wagarama said...


DaveandTeneal said...

Mandy, I need more of your blogs. they crack me up. Also wanted to give you a website for the 10 year reunion. Send to all your peeps