Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Matt's Medical Boards

Matt took his medical boards exam on April 30th and I never got to share with everyone how sweet it was to see Ellie with him through it all. Every morning as he left to go to study at the library Ellie would race to get her shoes and then run to the door saying "Daddy I coming! Daddy I coming!!" It was a bitter sweet parting and even now she puts a backpack on and asks if she can go to school with Matt. She wants to be just like her daddy. Just yesterday we found her hiding in a room playing with his medical tools on her stuffed animals. These pictures share the precious memories of seeing Ellie "study" with Matt whenever he was home. You'll notice her copying his every move with his flash cards. She would even mumble stuff like she was reading them and then turn them over to see the answer.
P.S. Matt did amazing on the boards


Dr.Quin said...

Very cute! Yes, he did amazing, as we all knew he would. Love you guys.

Kami Milliron said...

Good job Matt ! I see that he has adopted the " medical student " beard : ) I will have to take lots of pictures of Tyler once he is in Dental School. I will take pictures every month of his beard getting longer. And then I will Blog about it, of course !

That is too cute that Ellie copies Matt. Douglas does the same thing when Tyler leaves for Work in the morning. He says " Daddy, can I come too " and then when Tyler says no, Douglas will say " why are you leaving me " It is too funny !